Monday 23 January 2012

James Morrison - Undiscovered

The album cover for James Morrison's 'Undiscovered' immediately attracts the audience towards it with a close up of the artist himself. It's quite effective since it creates an intimate bond between Morrison and the audience because it lets them see him up close, and reflects in the songs featured in this album.

Several of the songs featured on the album reveal Morrison's feelings through his lyrics. Such as You Give Me Something was originally intended to be a 'harsh love song', as the lyrics mean that the protagonist of the song doesn't love the person as much as she loves him, but is willing to give the relationship a try. This suggests a darker side to Morrison already there must be some type of experience in his life, whether he was the protagonist, or whether he knew someone who was the protagonist - but this only enhances the intimacy between him and the audience. Other songs such as Wonderful World, The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore and Undiscovered also reflect this assumption of dark feelings.

However, whilst the close-up and expression on Morrison's face could connotate that he's opening up to his audience, and allowing them to see what he's like up close - his eyes are staring into the distance, which could suggest that Morrison is still quite distant about his feelings, and his songs featured are deep and meaningful. 

This goes on to reflect the genre of Morrison's music as from the cover, it's pretty clear that his songs aren't going to be heavy rock or drum and bass - they'll be calming and soothing. Which is later confirmed, if the songs are listened to, by the increased use of acoustic guitars and the raw power of his voice.

The size font of Morrison's name up in the top left hand corner suggests that he wants to be recognised by the audience more so than the title. Also, the use of a dark green to lime green gradient as the colour for the lettering suggests that maybe there's been a dark to light journey for Morrison. That does blend into the general colouring of the album cover as it has a slight greeny/yellow tinge to it - and it's known that green is usually associated with nature - possibly meaning that Morrison's songs are natural, and come from something nature-given, like the heart.

The album title Undiscovered gives the connotation that the album is revealing a certain side to Morrison that hadn't previously been discovered.

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